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🆕 TREC 2024 AToMiC Track Guidelines

5 minute read

Hey, look who’s back? Welcome to the TREC 2024 AToMiC (Authoring Tools for Multimedia Content) track. This page is your go-to for all the essentials: importa...

TREC 2023 AToMiC - Test queries

1 minute read

We are pleased to announce the release of the test topics for the TREC-AToMiC task. These topics have been carefully selected from the AToMiC text collectio...

TREC 2023 AToMiC - Development queries

3 minute read

Release of the development topics for the TREC-AToMiC task. These topics are an addition on top of the validation set of AToMiC and aim to be closer to what ...

TREC 2023 AToMiC Track Guidelines

6 minute read

Welcome to the TREC 2023 AToMiC (Authoring Tools for Multimedia Content) track. This page provides essential guidelines about the track, including important...